আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি বরাহেও আছেন, বিষ্ঠাতেও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি বোরখাতেও আছেন, বিকিনিতেও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি জলাশয়েও আছেন, মলাশয়েও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি উটমূত্রেও আছেন, কামসূত্রেও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি আরশেও আছেন, ঢেঁড়শেও আছেন # আল্যা সর্বব্যাপী – তিনি হাশরেও আছেন, বাসরেও আছেন

শনিবার, ২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১০

প্যাট্রিক কন্ডেল: আমাদের লোক – ২৭

মুসলিম সমাজে মানবাধিকার ও নারীঅধিকার আসলে অলীক, অবাস্তব ও অসম্ভব। এ নিয়ে স্বভাবসুলভ শ্লেষাত্মক, অসাধারণ ভঙ্গিতে তাঁর বক্তব্য রাখছেন এক ও অদ্বিতীয় প্যাট্রিক কন্ডেল।

যথারীতি কিছু চুম্বক-অংশ উদ্ধৃত করছি:

They say they want to stop people wrongly associating their religion with terrorism and human rights violations, but I don't think anyone does. I think people correctly associate Islam with those things. I certainly do, but then what do I know? All I've got to go on is overwhelming evidence.

... Also, at the risk of sounding like a racist xenophobic hate-mongering Nazi fascist bigot, it does seem to me that allowing Islamic countries on to a human rights council is like having a bunch of mafiosi on a parole board. They've already made it perfectly clear that human rights don't apply to them if they conflict with sharia, which of course they always do, because civilisation conflicts with sharia.

... We're talking about places dominated by bloodthirsty clerics who embrace the brutality of sharia so enthusiastically you get the impression they enjoy seeing people mutilated and murdered, and their religion is just a convenient excuse.

... Scripture-sodden oafs who seem to compete with each other to see who can issue the most fatuous fatwa, degrading and humiliating women as much as possible.
... Another Saudi "scholar" is on record as saying that women should have to cover themselves so completely that only one eye is visible. What, a whole eye? How shameless. Well, that's the modern world for you.
No doubt he would agree with the Iranian "scholar" who earlier this year made the extraordinary statement that immodestly dressed women are the cause of earthquakes, no less.

Some of these guys really do have a very serious problem with women, don't they? This is way beyond anything you'd call a simple neurosis and deep into hardcore mental illness. It's a shame that Allah, for all his omnipotence, doesn't seem to know any good psychiatrists.

If the Saudis couldn't dig money straight out of the ground they'd still be living in the stone age, as would the entire Arab world, which has produced absolutely nothing of value to humanity for centuries, thanks to a suffocating religion that fosters insularity and ignorance, not to mention a chronic and crippling sexual repression that makes Catholicism look like San Francisco in the 1960s.

Meanwhile, Pakistan distinguishes itself on the internet by leading the world in Google searches for animal sex, child sex and rape sex (আরও একটি প্রাসঙ্গিক পোস্ট). Normal consensual sex between human adults is apparently something of a minority taste in that devout country, according to Google.

Given all this, you might be surprised to hear that both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have recently been appointed to the board of the new United Nations agency for women. Yes, that's right, I said women. Both of these countries will be doing all they can to work for the empowerment and equality of women all over the world. Isn't that great news?

And how wonderfully inclusive of the United Nations to hand the fox the keys to the hen house yet again.

Yes, OK, these countries may well treat women like dogs, but hey, that's their culture, right? And we've got to respect it, don't we? Who are we to judge, after all? It's all just relative anyway, isn't it? Just because a thing is insane and barbaric and downright evil does that necessarily make it wrong?

লক্ষ্য করুন, ভিডিওটি ইংরেজি সাবটাইটেলসহ দেখার ব্যবস্থা আছে।

ডাউনলোড লিংক (৩৭ মেগাবাইট)

কোন মন্তব্য নেই:

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন